How can I enroll for EFTPS?
To enroll in EFTPS go to their website www.eftps.gov.
to activate your account you will need an EIN for yourself if you are a sole proprietor or your business. If you don't have an EIN, check out our FAQ to apply for an EIN. You'll also need to make sure that your address is up to date with the IRS. They will mail you a 5 digit PIN to verify that your EIN is actually your EIN, they do this via regular mail.
You'll also need your bank account and routing number as your payment will be made from your bank account.
You can use your EFTPS account to pay any tax so creating an account is a good idea to make your tax payments easier in the future.
If you need to get in touch with EFTPS due to issues setting up an account or making a payment here is their contact information.
Customer Service: 1-800-555-4477
They also allow for payment over the phone, you can do that by calling this phone number:
Voice Response: 1-800-555-3453
This is another way that the IRS is helping to make paying and dealing with taxes easier. This along with E-filing your form 2290 will help save you a ton of time come tax season.